Oriflame Website Interview
Tell us about yourself.
I’m an American, Ashtanga yoga student/teacher, world traveler, truth seeker, and writer, living in Stockholm, Sweden.
Why did you become a yoga teacher?
It’s interesting because I never set out to be a yoga teacher. I started practicing yoga at the age of 18 and as the years progressed I became more and more passionate about the practice of yoga and the internal transformational process it awakens. Eventually over time I was asked if I would be interested in teaching and then it slowly evolved from there. Now it’s a full-time gig teaching daily classes here in Stockholm as well as instructing Ashtanga yoga workshops around the world.
What’s your typical beauty and well-being regimen?
For me it is fairly simple. I make sure to get adequate sleep, practice yoga daily, eat organic whole foods as much as possible, drink loads of lemon water, and constantly look for inspiration in my life. I think if you work from the inside out you can’t help but radiate beauty and well-being out into the world.
Describe your favourite beauty look.
May favorite beauty look is a genuine smile that comes from a place of being comfortable in one’s own skin. You can’t beat it. Someone could be wearing a paper bag or haute couture but if they have that it’s pretty amazing.
Give us your five best personal beauty and health tips for busy women on the go.
Stay hydrated. Drink loads of water. Do a daily discipline that gets you moving and centered. Eat clean. Get enough sleep. Spend time in nature. Truly, when we take care of our mind, body, and soul we become our best self inside and out.