

Ashtangis of my time – Laruga

How did Ashtanga Yoga come into your life?

I found Ashtanga yoga after a period of spiritual investigation. I had many questions and became familiar with the 8 limbs of Ashtanga yoga before discovering the healing benefits of asana practice. What initially drew me in is how ultimately the path taken is initiated by practice. Through practice we experience glimpses of what yoga or union is to one day be immersed in it. Understanding comes by putting ourselves into the fire so to speak and allowing inner transformation to take place. It’s about one’s actions, not just knowing.

Oriflame Website

Tell us about yourself.

I’m an American, Ashtanga yoga student/teacher, world traveler, truth seeker, and writer, living in Stockholm, Sweden.

Why did you become a yoga teacher?

It’s interesting because I never set out to be a yoga teacher. I started practicing yoga at the age of 18 and as the years progressed I became more and more passionate about the practice of yoga and the internal transformational process it awakens. Eventually over time I was asked if I would be interested in teaching and then it slowly evolved from there. Now it’s a full-time gig teaching daily classes here in Stockholm as well as instructing Ashtanga yoga workshops around the world.

Questions About Mysore Practice and Yoga
For Yogayama Book

Laruga Glaser – Authorized L2 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher

When did you start practicing yoga and why?

!Thankfully, I found yoga at a young age. I was drawn by the philosophy before I began asana practice. I loved the fact that yoga was experiential in nature in that one must enter bravely into the unchanging spaciousness of yoga to experience it. No amount of talk or reading can take one there unless it is consciously practiced and/or contemplated on a regular basis.

Laruga Glaser on Ashtanga Yoga, Personal Practice, Teaching, Fourth Series